pick_page_type | certificate_exempting |
cedt_destination | China |
cedt_departure_date | July 07 |
cedt_ship_departure | Eastern |
cedt_birthplace | Canton |
cedt_nationality | Chinese |
cedt_hair | Dark |
cedt_height | 5ft 10in in Boots |
cedt_eyes | Brown |
cedt_build | Medium |
cedt_marks | Mole left side of chin |
cedt_ship_arrival | Empire |
cedt_book_number | 21 |
cedt_birthplace | Canton |
cedt_nationality | Chinese |
cedt_age | 41 years |
cedt_hair | Dark |
cedt_eyes | Brown |
cedt_build | Medium |
cedt_marks | Mole left side of chin |
cedt_ship_arrival | Empire |
cedt_port_arrival | Sydney |
cedt_birthplace | Canton |